Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Blog Hog

So, I'm a blog hog today, sorry. I've been working on my collection of family bedtime stories and I am so much amused by what I have come up with for Daniel running into the wall that I want to share.

Wee Uncle Daniel runs through the house,

Up stairs and down stairs fast as a mouse,

Laughing at the motion, running for the wall

How could the boy again mistake the ending of the hall?

Weary is the mother who has a klutzy child,

A small short little child, who runs into the wall

Who always brings a battle with disbelieving nurses

"Are you sure these cuts and bruises did not come with curses?"

A later verse of Wee Willie Winkie:

Weary is the mother who has a dusty child,
A small short little child, who can't run on his own,
Who always has a battle with sleep before he'll close an eye
But a kiss from his rosy lips gives strength anew to me.

So, please use the comments field to let me know what you think.

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Molly's Movin'

Molly figured out this evening how to roll to move across the room. She was very pleased with herself and found all sorts of reasons to roll here and there. She is also really good at crawling backward. Unfortunately she finds that mode of transportation to be a little frustrating. She crawls backward when she wants to go forward and gets further away from whatever it was she wanted.


Above is a picture of the piggy pen that Ian set up the other day. Notice that the "baby pig" on the left is awake. The baby pig on the right is sleeping and drinking milk from the mommy pig.

I will be very sad when the public school system squashes his imagination out of him.

Monday, October 29, 2007

My kids

We posted new photos of our kids. I thought you might all like to see them.

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Toes and Mouth

As you can see, Molly has been all about pulling off her socks to get to her toes and sticking her hand (and anything else) into her mouth this week. When she pulls off her sock she giggles a sort of self-satisfied look-what-I-did giggle. It is very adorable.

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Stories about Mom and Dad

Sometimes when Ian is really wound up, he likes to hear a story about poppa or grandma. I think that for Christmas he will be giving his cousins a book that he's made of his favorite grandma and poppa bedtime stories. If any of you have some particular favorites, then please bring them to my attention. A comment here will work or email, phone call, etc. whatever you like best. Thanks for your help. I think Ian will really enjoy putting the book together and I hope the cousins will enjoy our stories.

I have started this as a google document you can see it here When I look at it there is a little link in the bottom right hand corner that says Edit (You have permission). If you click that you too may add stories.

Monday, October 15, 2007

Memphis the lab rat

Good news! The NCSU Vet School is doing another wave of their study of Keppra to treat canine epilepsy. Read a write-up of the previous study here (scroll down).

Memphis has been accepted! (It's like getting into grad school. Professors scrutinize your qualifications, conduct tests designed to measure brain activity, and provide training or medication that may or may not be of any use.)

Her first appointment is next Monday. The study lasts (I think) 44 weeks. The study is double blind and is divided into 2 periods. In one, Memphis will get a placebo, in the other she will actually get the drug. We won't know which is which until the study is over.

Updates to follow...

Boys will be Boys

I was unloading the groceries and turned around to find Ian on his potty doing his business, outside. Ya just gotta laugh.

Sunday, October 14, 2007

Pictures of Molly

I've added some pictures of Molly to her album. You can use the link on the side to see them.

Saturday, October 13, 2007

April's name: For the Dogs?

I had a truly wonderful conversation with a worker at the temple this morning. Imagine old guy with heavy drawl:

worker: Ryan and April Bosworth, 11:00?

Me: That's us.

worker: I have a daughter named April.

Me: It's a nice name.

worker: It is. [Pause] We had to name her April 'cause the dogs got the good names.

Me: Huh. [Thinking: Did he just say that?]

Tuesday, October 9, 2007


I thought this was cool cause it deals with Star Wars, which is cool and has always been better than Star Trek, and money which allows me to buy stuff.

Click Here

Friday, October 5, 2007

Sloan forced to praise AK-47

This story made me laugh out loud.

What kind of praise will Sloan come up with to "balance" his criticism?

Future exchange at training camp in Boise:

Sloan: "Quit dragging your feet!"

AK: "I feel unmotivated! Praise me!"

Sloan: "AK-47" is the coolest nickname ever! And you look like that boxer from Rocky IV!"

AK: "That doesn't provide sufficient "balance"! Your criticism still outweighs your praise!"

Sloan: "If there were a world championship for "monkey in the middle" you would win every year!"

AK: "Thanks! I will now perform at peak efficiency!"

Please post suggestions for future praise. I'll forward them to Sloan. He'll carry them on a laminated card like an NFL coach with a play sheet.

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Don't Laugh, It's Fast

One of the Mazda club members here in NC replaced the rotary engine in his 1st generation RX-7 with a Ford small-block V8. The caption says it all...