Wednesday, October 29, 2008

I should post more.....

I decided that as an Oct 29'th resolution (new year's resolutions are overrated), I am going to try to post to this blog and/or the blog I made for heather and I* at least once a week. This means that sometimes you will get deep meaningful posts from me, but more often than not, you will probably get useless time-wasters like this:

His name is Remi Gallard. He is French, he can kick a soccer ball pretty dang good, and does other humorous thing (not all are considered polite or kosher). If you are bored, it is worth a look on youtube.... And if you get sick of my random posts, I can stop (this assumes I stick with this resolution longer than a day)....

* Even though I created it for both of us, mostly I post to it (about as often as I post here...). Occasionally I will copy Heather's posts from elsewhere to that blog...

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Monday, October 6, 2008

Saturday, October 4, 2008

Old Houses and Daniel

Since Daniel can't figure out how to do a slide show, silly boy, here is mine. It's only like 1/7 of the pictures I took. Enjoy.

Friday, October 3, 2008

Daniel's Washington DC Collage

Look it is some of Daniel's favorite pictures from his trip. Now if he can only make it into a slide show...
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