Monday, August 31, 2009

San Francisco day 1...

I am in San Francisco for a conference this week. The conference is called VMworld. 15,000 geeks like me come here and learn more about virtualizing computers. I am pretty excited for it. There is a ton of really cool information, displays and some great training offered. Today was registration and labs. I was only able to get into 2 labs today, but that is okay. The day started kind of early (6:15 for registration). I got to meet a lot of nice people (most of whom I will never talk to or see again...).

As I was planning the trip, I was saying to Heather that I wanted to go see the Golden Gate Bridge. Since I knew I wasn't going to have a car, I told her I was thinking about running across it. The next morning on a blog, I read that a couple guys had decided that they wanted to do an official conference activity of running across the bridge. It was the perfect opportunity. Even though I forgot my running shoes, I decided to go for the run anyways. It wasn't bad at all. We traveled a total distance of ~5.5K.

Here is a photo album of today's adventures. I'll probably post more as the week goes on...

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Forget Waldo......

Today, I found the best church book ever created. Guaranteed to entertain for hours and hours. It can be pre-ordered here. Yes, we do need a copy at my house.

Monday, August 17, 2009

Ashley's backpacking

I recently went into the Mountains. The area was Red Castle Peak in the Uintas. Brent did not know the area, so I thought I'd post a few pictures of it. Enjoy.

Monday, August 10, 2009

Family Night Flannel Board Stories

We have used a few flannel board stories from the Friend for family night recently and it has worked really well for us. We give each member of our family one of the pictures to color while we give the lesson, which is based on the article that accompanies the flannel board story. We discuss the lesson and then when everyone is done coloring and cutting out the figures, we retell the story using the figures.

The link below is a nice index of the flannel board stories in past friends:

The pictures are also good to let kids color at church or as a sunday activity.

In case you missed the '80s

Sunday, August 9, 2009

My Southern Girl

Dresses up like a princessand goes to the races!