Monday, August 20, 2007

New Calling

Well Sunday was the first Sunday of Matt's new calling. It seemed to go pretty well. We did great before church (Matt left at about 8:30) and the kids and I we on time to church. Sacrament went much better then I thought it was going to. My kids were not necessarily reverent but they we not awful either. After church my kids were a little more exciting but Mom and Dad came up for dinner and all in all it was a pretty good day.


Unknown said...

I'm glad your kids survived such a big calling. Our kids had no excuse and we still didn't get to sit through much of sacrament meeting!

Jake and Crystal said...

Have you had the Reverence talk in RS and Priesthood? That made me feel pretty bad about our church reverence (I must admit that I took that lesson to be hard - I guess that means that I need to repent on it).