Sunday, July 20, 2008

Church Memories and Horrible Sundays

When I was little I remember being in Sacrament meeting at the Riverdale chapel and during the passing of the sacrament sitting there by myself. Dad was sitting on the stand trying to keep Daniel quiet. Mom was out in the hall with the baby (that was you Eric) and April and Crystal had gone somewhere. At the time I thought that it was so odd to be sitting there all by myself when my entire family was at church.

My other memory of Sundays as a child is that on Sunday's Mom had a nap. Dad often had a nap sometime the kids would lay down and have a nap but Mom had a nap. I now understand this phenomenon. Today was a horrible Sunday. We all started out tired. Nobody slept well mostly due to the fact that since our vacation to Denver everyone is out of wack. Matt kindly watched the screaming whining children before his meeting so I could sleep a little bit longer, but after he left Noah and Grace were in rare form, dumping cereal on the couches, on my bed, in the bathroom. Dumping flour and dough (we were making rolls) everywhere in the kitchen. Screaming that they did not want to go outside and then that they did not want to go in. They refused baths, and cloths, and lunch. They did finally fall asleep about 20 minutes before church was to start. I let them sleep through Sacrament meeting and then woke them up for sunday school since I was teaching. Grace hates church and must be holding on to me for the entire time we are there. Matt counted tithing today so he wasn't home until late. So all in all it was not a great day.
But I do now understand why on that long ago Sunday I was buy myself. I was because Mom could only cope with so much. and I definitely understand why she took a nap. I just have not figured out how to make that a reality in my life. Which I think is just fine.

I did have a happy revelation today though. Only 5 1/2 more months of afternoon church. Hurray.

1 comment:

Ryan said...

I keep telling myself: "I'll be sad when they're not little anymore." I keep telling myself that anyway...