Before I lose everybody in the long, boring bits; we have an invitation to extend. This Saturday (March 7), we are having an open house at our new house from 5:00 - 7:00 PM. It isn't going to be super formal. Just hang out, play games, chat, whatever. We will have a few treats to snack on too. We would love to see you there. If you can make it and/or need the address, get a hold of Heather or me. If you can't make it, that is fine too. You are all welcome to visit any time you want (whether or not you make it to the open house).
Back to the post....
I have been doing a bad job updating the blog again. That probably shouldn't surprise anybody. :) Things at hour house have been crazy lately. I have started a post for the blog about 5 times, but never finished it. I'll try to do a quick sum-up as to what has been happening at our house.
We moved into our new house in Smithfield. The move went off pretty well. Shockingly, the only thing that broke was a cookie jar. I kind of expected more stuff to get busted in the move. Heather did 98% of the packing and 99% of the unpacking. I feel pretty bad about that, but she did an awesome job. She also coped with the kids while she was at it. I took the easy route and went to work.
We love the new house. It is much bigger than our old house. We love having all of the space, and finally being able to put everything in it's space (although, the truck hasn't made it into it's place in the garage yet, I still need to finish cleaning out the garage...) As it warms up, we all get excited about the yard. The people who owned the house before us did a pretty good job at landscaping, and loved their patios. We have 3 large patios, and lots of trees. The kids can't wait to put their swingset together and play more in the backyard. Heather and I are getting excited for the garden.
The university is not immune to the economy. IT at USU recently let 20% of their employees go via either reduction in force, or a voluntary termination. Thankfully, I still have a job. I also have some free time coming up next week. Whether I like it or not. We are going to make the best of it by finishing getting settled into our house.
Heather has wanted to go to the beach for a while. I thought: Hey, my brother lives a couple hours away from a beach. Why don't we go to Texas to go to the beach? We are hoping to make it work out for us to go down there. It will be a LOOOOOONG trip. We will see how that pans out.
I am sure I am forgetting several things, but this post is plenty long enough already. I'll leave off with some pictures for everyone to enjoy.
Back to the post....
I have been doing a bad job updating the blog again. That probably shouldn't surprise anybody. :) Things at hour house have been crazy lately. I have started a post for the blog about 5 times, but never finished it. I'll try to do a quick sum-up as to what has been happening at our house.
We moved into our new house in Smithfield. The move went off pretty well. Shockingly, the only thing that broke was a cookie jar. I kind of expected more stuff to get busted in the move. Heather did 98% of the packing and 99% of the unpacking. I feel pretty bad about that, but she did an awesome job. She also coped with the kids while she was at it. I took the easy route and went to work.
We love the new house. It is much bigger than our old house. We love having all of the space, and finally being able to put everything in it's space (although, the truck hasn't made it into it's place in the garage yet, I still need to finish cleaning out the garage...) As it warms up, we all get excited about the yard. The people who owned the house before us did a pretty good job at landscaping, and loved their patios. We have 3 large patios, and lots of trees. The kids can't wait to put their swingset together and play more in the backyard. Heather and I are getting excited for the garden.
The university is not immune to the economy. IT at USU recently let 20% of their employees go via either reduction in force, or a voluntary termination. Thankfully, I still have a job. I also have some free time coming up next week. Whether I like it or not. We are going to make the best of it by finishing getting settled into our house.
Heather has wanted to go to the beach for a while. I thought: Hey, my brother lives a couple hours away from a beach. Why don't we go to Texas to go to the beach? We are hoping to make it work out for us to go down there. It will be a LOOOOOONG trip. We will see how that pans out.
I am sure I am forgetting several things, but this post is plenty long enough already. I'll leave off with some pictures for everyone to enjoy.
1 comment:
There was nothing in the post about who your man-crush is.
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