Friday, March 5, 2010

What I've been doing this week

Okay so I never post... so here is a look at the two thing I did this week that I think is cool.

1. I cooked dinner. Specifically I made this:

Baked Rigatoni with tiny meatballs. I made everything other than the noodles. The recipe is available here. It took a while and made a 9x13 pan but it was pretty good.

2. I installed a new ceiling fan... thank mom and dad for the very belated christmas present, or at least the method to purchase the fan... Here it is in action.

By the way I am still looking for volunteers to help with tiling a room at my house...

1 comment:

Ryan said...

If you can wait till July we can help with the tile.

Looks like you can probably feed yourself till then, anyway. Yum.