Things started out pretty rough with Memphis at our house. Winston started out by attacking her. That was 17 staples. They have since been removed and the wound is healing nicely. Winston had a good talking too and is now behaving much more kindly towards our new visitor.

She has quickly joined the crowd of beggars at the back door.

Has easily fit in with our daily habits.

And decided that our house is not a bad place to be, as long as Winston is happy.

She has picked out her favorite spots, claimed her time with the rawhide bones and fit right in with this family of sleep lovers. Welcome Memphis. May your second fortnight go better than your first.
I am so glad that Memphis is doing well. In the pictures, she looks just like Memphis. Good! I worried about her and the long plane trip and then getting used to a new house and new people. Thank you, Ashley and Daniel, for taking her in!
Nancy Bosworth
Many thanks indeed for taking such good care of our special needs problem child!
Holy poop!
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