Thursday, August 30, 2007

REM does Sesame Street

"Furry Happy Monsters" not "Shiny Happy People"

I love the bipolar monsters!


Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Watching Fish

This is one of Molly's favorite activities. She will watch the fish swim around for a long time. We currently have 4 tetras. Alas, our algae eater died today. He may have starved to death—a sad way to go, but at least the tank is clean.

Monday, August 27, 2007

Noah Noah

I just wanted to let everyone, especially Daniel, know that Noah is officially potty trained. Yeah. And there is much rejoicing in the land.

Noah's other news is that yesterday at church is was standing up on the bench in Sacrament meeting and did a flip over the back. It was pretty amazing and he was pretty scared but is okay. Matt who was on the stand was oblivious, the bishop had to elbow him and tell him to go and see if Noah was ok. Luckily he was. It did make things pretty exciting though.

Saturday, August 25, 2007

I can't just let Ryan's post go unanswered.....

I have warned Heather that my midlife crisis is coming, and it has a name.


You can see his big brother in action here.

Recipe--Couscous and Lentil Salad

We just tried this and it is surprisingly tasty. I really like the couscous and lentil base, though I'm not sure that the arugula, tomato and feta is the exact right combination. I think you could add a lot of things to the base. It is a nice way to change up the summer menu. We used red lentils (the brand we've found is organic) and I think that they are tastier than the brown/green ones.

Here's the recipe.

Hananh's Bananas Cookies Recipe

Mom wanted this recipe so I thought I would post it for everyone.

Hannah’s Bananas

Do not preheat dough must chill before baking

1 ½ cups melted butter (3 cups)

2 cups white granulated sugar

¾ cup mashed very ripe banana (2 medium or 3 small)

4 tsp baking soda

1 tsp salt

2 beaten eggs (just whip them with a fork)

4 cups flour (no need to sift)

2 cups finely chopped walnuts or pecans (measure after chopping)

½ cup white granulated sugar for later

Melt butter in a large microwavable bowl. Stir in the sugar, beaten eggs, baking soda, and salt. Choose bananas that have black flecks in them. Mash them until they’re smooth. Add banana puree and mix thoroughly. Mix in the flour and then nuts. Cover and refrigerate 4 hours.

When you are ready to bake, preheat the oven to 350 degrees f. rack in the middle position.

Roll the chilled dough into walnut sized balls with your hands. Put ½ cup white sugar in a small bowl and roll the balls in it. Place the dough balls on a greased cookie sheet, 12 to a sheet. Press down a little so they won’t roll off onto the floor when you put them in the oven. Then return your bowl to the refrigerator and let it chill until it’s time to roll more.

Bake for 10-12 minutes at 350 degrees F. or until they’re lightly golden in color. They’ll flatten out, all by themselves. Let them cool for 2 minutes on the cookie sheet and then move them to a wire rack to finish cooling.

These cookies freeze well. Roll them in foil and place in a freezer bag and they will be fine for 3 months or so.

Yield 10 dozen, depending on size.

Friday, August 24, 2007

Friday Night Racin'

I took Ian to Wake County Speedway to see some short track (1/4 mile) stock car racing. The track is only about a mile from our house and since we can often hear the cars on Friday nights, I figured we should go see them.

Ian had a great time and so did I. Very loud and smelly and redneck-y. Ian made friends with the 4 year old son of one of the drivers. He would yell "Go Charlie! Go #21!" and clap in a cute way.

zoom-zoom-zoooom, baby!

Love this Mazda commercial!


Thursday, August 23, 2007

Recipe--Cold Soup

So, the Bosworths have enjoyed sharing recipes on their blog. Here is one that I just shared with them. I find it very yummy.

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Staying Alive

Well I decided since lifetime received a request to put the video below on a German TV show I would share it with you. I have a very little part in it but pay attention to Dad and the lawyer's recurring bit. This video was prepared for a sales conference.


For those of you in the family that love chick-fil-a and would like free food from there. Go to this web site, they are giving out stuff. I don't know how long it will last but I thought I would pass it along.

Monday, August 20, 2007

New Calling

Well Sunday was the first Sunday of Matt's new calling. It seemed to go pretty well. We did great before church (Matt left at about 8:30) and the kids and I we on time to church. Sacrament went much better then I thought it was going to. My kids were not necessarily reverent but they we not awful either. After church my kids were a little more exciting but Mom and Dad came up for dinner and all in all it was a pretty good day.

Sunday, August 19, 2007

Finally a calling

I finally got a calling this week. Luckily it's nothing so involved as Matt's new one. I am the new relief society temple coordinator. I'm not sure what that means, but when he set me apart the bishop mentioned encouraging sisters to go to the temple and supporting those going for the first time.

He inquired whether Ryan had heard from the stake. (He hasn't.) Anyone want to wager what they'll be asking him to do? My money's on ward clerk of some capacity. He is thinking maybe stake young mens.

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Tummy Time for Molly and Ian

Mom was requesting more frequent baby pictures from us. So, here is an image from this week. Ian likes to have tummy time with Molly. She is finally getting strong enough that she doesn't hate it and she likes it much better if Ian is around to look at.

Sunday, August 12, 2007

Lacy's Personality

Well as you all may know I have a boxer/lab named Lacy. The she has an odd personality - yes, I see the irony - and sometimes she will stick her tongue out at you or wink. I have never been able to get a picture of it until she did it in her sleep one day. I find it amusing and thought i would post it with you all.

On a similar but different note, I went to the Weber county fair for the first time that I remember. Here is the pictures of the animals that were there. The best one is of the guy shaving his cow's forehead.

Our weekend

This weekend we went up to visit Alison, Tobin and Hallie McMurdie who are just settling into their new place in Norfolk, Virginia. Tobin will be starting an MBA program at Old Dominion in a few weeks. It is about a three hour drive for us. We found that while we were not particularly well practiced in this area—I had counted on two sleeping children as we drove during nap time—we all survived and Ian had a great time playing with Hallie.

We went to the Living Museum, which is kind of a small scale zoo with primarily native North Carolina animals. My favorite was the little green Heron flying around outside near the board walk. There was an aviary housing various herons, ducks, and other water birds. There were several Night Herons roosting in the trees. After we pointed these out, Ian pointed out the "morning time" ducks.

We went up Friday afternoon and came back Saturday evening. This morning Ian wanted Hallie to go to church with him and during the opening prayer in Sacrament meeting added "bless Hallie" to the official prayer. He has been parroting phrases in prayers and sometimes the whole prayer, so it wasn't totally unusual to hear him praying aloud with the opening prayer, but it was heart-warming to hear him add his own personal blessing on Hallie—I'm sure the rest of the congregation enjoyed it too.

Saturday, August 11, 2007

Hand-me-downs get lots of wear

Molly has been enjoying all of the clothes that Heather passed on to us. She seemed particularly happy with the blue velvet outfit. I think she must have been relieved not to be wearing pink again. Amazingly enough, I really like to dress her in pink.

Ian also found that he enjoyed this particular outfit.
He couldn't resist trying the hat on. He announced that it was his "working man" hat and wore it to fix things with his tools.

Hallie was here this week (Aug. 15 - 18) and she had to wear the hat too.

Monday, August 6, 2007

In Laws

I did not have email addresses for Jake, Matt, or Ashley. So, I did not invite them as contributors. If their significant other would like to provide an email address, I would be glad to add them.

Eric nickname

With regards to Heather's latest post, I think that this blog should put a high priority on reaching a consensus on a new nickname for Eric. The nickname needs to reflect an elusive, hard to catch quality, yet signal the ability to make the ladies swoon.

I propose "Smoke" but will consider alternate suggestions. Maybe "Smooth E" would work.

Eric is banned from proposing nicknames. You can't give yourself a nickname.

Sunday, August 5, 2007

Eric and the Girls

I just wanted to let everyone know that Eric is a ladies man with tons of girls always chasing him. I know everyone thinks he is a monk but it is NOT true.

Next Sunday

We just wanted to let everyone know that there is some excitement going down at our house next Sunday. If you want to be here for the action. Church is at 11:00 a.m. If not you are welcome to come after church for dinner. Let me know if you are coming, so I can plan for food. Most of Matt's family will be here including his parents. Sadly Mom and Dad will still be in England so they won't be here.

Matt's not sure how he feels about this but I think it is at least a way to get out of scouts. Maybe you should try it Jake. Ha, Ha.


A Place to Share

A few weeks ago Scott started a Bosworth family blog. We have really enjoyed having a forum to share things with the Bosworth family, without having to worry about time zones or multiple phone calls. So, I thought maybe it would work well with our family too. I hope you like the idea ans will share things here.